♥ Supplies Used ♥
Broken Wings’ "The Visitor", HERE.
“Avalon” font, here.
Background by Indigo Deep, HERE.
Overlay by dbszabo1, HERE.
Mask 1: Mask 9 by Jules Junk, HERE.
Animations by Missy, HERE.
Eye Candy Gradient Glow
DSB Flux Bright Noise
Animations Shop 3
♥ Lets’ Begin! ♥
Apply a layer above this and flood fill white. Promote your arch layer and move above the white background.
Save your design now as a *psd called “The Visitor.”
Lock your ratio now and re-size by 800 width. The height will re-size on its’ own.
Duplicate your arch layer and apply your mask.
Open your tube and move into a position you like. Duplicate this once. Mirror the middle tube layer, and drop shadow the by 9-12-45-22.00 and then mirror back. Do the same for the top tube layer but do not mirror. Merge the two layers.
Open your fog overlay and re-size by 65%. Add one layer under your tube 1 layer and to the left. Duplicate, pull to the right, and even it up with the first side to your liking.
Add the settings for Xero Radiance below, then change the opacity to 75% and Luminance legacy.
♥ Lets’ Make the Border! ♥
Now, let’s put a border of our choosing around our image before we move on to the animation aspects.
Making sure that you are on your top layer, add a layer and: Selections > Select All > Modify > Select Selections Borders > 15 > OK.Choose a colour from your background area to create the border. I chose #3052ae. Flood fill the interior of your border with your colour and Select None.
Now you have your border. Re-size your design by 75%.
♥ Lets’ Animate! ♥Open Missy’s animation “Glitterbug” and delete the last four frames of the animation, leaving only 12 frames. Animation > Re-size > by percentage > 75% > ok.
Open “Aura” by Missy as well. Animation > Re-size > by Percentage > 25% > OK.
In PSP, hide your border layer and tube 2 layer and copy merged into AS3. Duplicate until you have 12 frames.
On the first frame of “Aura”, Edit > Select All > Copy > Go to the first frame of your design > Edit > Select All > Paste > Into selected frame > position the small dot in the centre of your lantern.
Again, on the first frame of “Glitterbug”: Edit > Select all > Copy > Go to the first frame of your design > Paste > Into selected frame > position small dot in one of your stars.
I did mine in the following manner:Once done, copy the design and add into PSP as a new image.
Hide all layers but the border layer. While on this layer, copy and add above all of your layers.
Now, save this new image in replacement of your old creation. Label each frame layer 1-12. Name the top layer “border.”
Duplicate your border layer 3x and rename 1, 2, and 3. On your bottom layer, outline with Gradient glow and drop shadow to your liking.
Layer 3: Dub Bright Noise: 88
Layer 2: Dub Bright Noise: 66
Layer 1: Dub Bright Noise: 44
You can now add a layer below your border for your name and copyright.
When you add your frames with each other in AS3, make sure to rotate your borders out, as such:
Frame 1: Border 1
Frame 2: Border 2
Frame 3: Border 3
Frame 4: Border 1
Continue in this way until all frames and all borders are added.
Apply your optimisation settings, save and upload to a photo sharing site. Enjoy!
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