How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Kisses and Hugs

Bulldog Bebe by Lorri Kajenna (HERE)

"Fragrant Sketches" by PrelestnayaP Design (HERE)

Template by Sylly (HERE)

Mask by Graphic Groupies (HERE)

“Cute Little Sheep” (NAME)

Open the template, resize canvas to 1000 widths (height will follow) and save under the new filename.

Delete the credits, the two pink hearts layer and all gradient layers.

Open paper 6, resize by 25% and replace the purple square layer, the pink circle layer, and the second purple rectangle layer.

Open paper 1, resize by 25% and replace the pink square layer, the first purple rectangle layer, the purple rectangles sides, and the pink rectangle.

I used colour  F3BBAE to replace the "XO" layer. Tightly drop shadow the pixel text and then merge the XO layers together.

Use your choice of paper (after whatever resize you need) and then apply your mask. I resized my mask and paper to my needs, duplicated, mirror and flipped to position.

Open the tube, resize by 40% and gather your layers; merge. Position the tube above the XO word art. Move the Happy Day word art as seen in the design.

Open element 14, resize by 5% and add above the flowers on the bulldog.

Open element 1_1, resize by 20% and add as shown in the tag.

Open element 10, resize by 20% and add below the upper flower layer; duplicate, mirror and position near the other flower.

Open element 2_2, resize by 10% and add above the leaf layer (right corner); the second is by 8%.

Open element 7, mirror, resize by 20% and then add under the tube layer.

Open element 3_2, resize by 20% and add above the leaf layer; manually rotate slightly then use an eraser on light to blend into the leaf stem.

Open element 2_1, resize by 12% and add above the leaf layers.

Open element 17, resize by 10% and add below the XO white background.

Open element 18, resize by 25% and then add above the pixel layer; manually rotate slightly.

Open element 27, mirror, resize by 15% and add above the key layer.

Open element 28_1, resize by 8% and add under the ribboned bow layer.

Add any elements that you wish to now; I did element 16.

Crop as close as you can to your mask layer and/or resize before adding your name and copyright. Upload to enjoy.

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