How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

I Will Survive

 23-2 (Cardinal) by Melissa Dawn (HERE)

"I Will Survive" By KimB (HERE)

Template 871 by Millie (HERE)

Open the template and do a canvas size of 735 width (height will follow) and then a resize of 880 height (width will follow); save under the new filename. We can always crop and resize later.

Delete the credits, word art and layers 7 and 8.

Merge layers 4, 5 and 6; use paper 9 (after a 20% resize) to replace it.

Use paper 1, after a 20% resize, to replace layer 3.

After a 20% resize each, use: paper 4 to replace layer 11, paper 3 to replace layer 10, and paper 2b to replace layer 9.

Merge layers 1 and 2: add a new layer over this new layer and use this colour (B5DAF4) to replace it; apply the glow settings below.

Duplicate the above layer and outline the bottom layer in white by 5 width. Use noise on 54 to add "snow."

Open paper 6 and apply your mask. I upsize my masks (to fix my paper) and downsized my paper by 25% before applying the mask; center align and then position.

Use the glow before to the mask and then drop the opacity down to 200.

Open the tube and add above all layers; position inside the "frame" layers, then duplicate and move one below the "frame" layers.

Open word art 02b, resize by 30% and add above all layers. 

Open the bow, resize by 30% and add above the "frame" layers".

Add any new layers that you'd like to at this moment. I added two butterflies, since it seems winter and spring keep merging here in West Virginia, to add a little humour to my piece.

Drop shadow all layers now and then crop as close as you can to your mask without cutting any pieces off. 

Resize now, if needed, and then add your name and copyright before uploading to enjoy. This time, since I used word art, I did not add a name but made it a snaggable.

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