How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Land That I Love

 Liberty by Jose Cano (HERE)

Template by Dee (HERE)

Document Life July 2019 by Luv Ewe Designs (HERE)

“Gnomes” (NAME)

Eye Candy 4000 Bevel Boss

Open the template, resize by 850 widths, then do a canvas resize to 1050 width, flood-fill the background white and save.

Delete the top eight (8) layers and ALL the petal layers. 

Merge the two light blue circle halves, use paper led_DocLifeJuly2019_pp10, after a 20%, to replace it.

Merge the dark blue rectangle layers, use paper led_DocLifeJuly2019_sp1, after a 25% resize, to replace it.

Using the same paper, replace layers dark blue stripes and center dark blue strip.

Use led_DocLifeJuly2019_sp3, after a 25% resize, to replace layers bottom/top light blue squares, red squares layer, red oval layer, and the light blue circle layer.

Add a new layer above the red dotted layer, flood-fill white, and then remove the excess.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_flower9, resize by 22% and replace the red stars layer.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_flower7, resize by 15% and then replace the dark blue stars layer.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_flower3, resize by 15% and replace the light blue star layer.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_confetti, resize by 40% and add above the white background layer.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_leaves1, resize by 30% and add under the white flower (in four sections).

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_flower5, resize by 15% and then add above the leaves layer.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_brad2, resize by 35% and then add above the leaves layer; duplicate, move above the dotted white layer.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_brad1, resize by 35% and then add above the leaves layer.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_clock, resize by 20% and add above the leaves layer (lower right); duplicate, mirror/flip, position in the upper left side, duplicate again, move this one below the white flower layer, drop shadow the top layer and remove the excess.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_string1, mirror, resize by 20% and add above all layers (near the upper clock piece layer).

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_bow1, resize by 25% and add above the string layer.

Open led_DocLifeJuly2019_flower1, resize by 15% and add above the lower clock piece layer and the white circle layer.

Open the tube, do not resize, add above all layers to position.

Duplicate the layer, move one above the paper 10 layer and then remove the excess. Drop shadow the top layer and remove the excess.

Crop as close as you can tot he design, resize (if needed), before adding your name and copyright; upload to enjoy.

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