How To Add PDN Layers HERE. I do it the first way every time. PDN/PSP Plugins that I use a lot are located HERE.

Monday, June 16, 2014

HOW TO: Use Eye Candy Xenofex Constellation

This tutorial will demonstrate that you can use another luscious Eye Candy plugins with Paint.Net. It’s called “Constellation” and it is a beauty! To get this now, you need to purchase Eye Candy 7 (I have Xenofex myself and refuse to update) or, if you are a Xenofex user, can update for a lower price.

First, create the design you wish to use for this tutorial. This is mine below:
Not bad for a quickie tut. LOL I’ve also cropped as close as I could to the mask layer so that I may get a better size when I must resize my design.

Now, while in Paint.Net, I duplicated the hearts layer, since this is what I will be adding the Constellation effect to, so I have three different layers in my layers box.
I have the fourth, and original, layer still there and this is the one I use DS on.

Next, choose which way you want to start in the hearts layers. I always go from bottom to top so I will be going from Hearts Layer 1 to Hearts Layer 3.

Go to Effects > 8bf Filter > Eye Candy Xenofex > Constellation > Run Filter > Use the settings below (choose bling bling under settings) > Ok. This will run the settings on the layer chosen and then click ok.
On each hearts layer, go back to Xenofex and just simply hit random seed once for each layer (twice if you choose).

For this one, re-size now in Paint.Net then add your chosen name and copyright. You will not need to do as I did in the Jiggle tutorial because this one is already saved as it would be used in PDN.

Add each layer in the order you created them in when adding to AS3. Remember, if you worked from Heart Layer 3 to 1, the frames will go BEFORE each other and, if you went from Heart 1 to 3, they will go after each other.

While on the first frame layer in AS3, Edit > Select All > Animation > Frame Properties > 30 > OK. Then, apply the optimization settings, upload to a photo sharing site to enjoy!

Here's mine.

I created the bling large so you can really get a good view of it. There are a lot of slider or boxes that you can use to create smaller, less twinkly glitter but that choice is yours. Play around with the settings (including those preset settings under the settings tab) to come up with your own, unique glitter!

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